I first have to say Wakanda Forever!... Lol A while back my step father purchased this beautiful black mask for me to wear at the premiere of the Black Panther movie. It was very fun to show off and wear. I would have never purchased this item for myself- as adults sometimes forget to importance of having fun. Nonetheless, as I wore the mask, I pondered on the idea of being hidden momentarily. Hidden for a reason. Hidden for a season. Hidden for the sole purpose of one day unveiling the truth behind the mask.
I have to admit, the minute I placed the mask on there was a need to adjust it numerous times.. It fell down repeatedly, as it was not tailored to my sized head. Furthermore, since it was a foreign object, it initially felt somewhat stuffy and uncomfortable-nonetheless the show must go on. Eventually, throughout the day the mask actually gave me a sense of comfort. I found pleasure in knowing that I could pretend to be whoever I wanted for just a moment.
There are times in our lives when God hides his children in plain sight to take them through a serious of training, development, and growth. I believe this is also necessary as a means to allow healing from pain, rejection, setbacks, resentment, and disappointments. Once we learn to face these emotional wounds-we begin the journey of wholeness. Becoming whole is the place where God can use his people to essentially do their best work.
The church is the bride of Christ. He wants his bride to take off the veil and reveal the beauty that lies within. There is something extraordinary down on the inside of you that has to be released. I believe in this hour the Lord would say , Come to me, and I will heal you. Come to me and will set you free. Come to me and I will tell you the plans I have for you. For no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, and no mind has imagined, what God has in store just for you. So don't dim your light to appease the world; but let it so shine that it permeates throughout the world.
Are you Ready?
Matthew 5:16 Corinthians 2:9